Thursday, May 10, 2012

Making a hanger sachet

Now they just need closures!

The inside is as pretty as the outside.

Peggy's flowers embellishing her denim jacket
So we jump ahead now to our May meeting (April meeting had to be canceled) and the hanger sachets we made.  Peggy N. had made these before and brought one as a show-and-tell many meetings ago.  Many people liked them, so Peggy graciously consented to lead us through the steps to make one.  Armed with our fabric and sewing machines, we spent about an hour making them.   The design is similar to a clutch purse;  the flap would go over the lower rung of a plastic hanger and fasten to the body of the sachet to hold the whole thing on the hanger.  The bag of the sachet would hold the potpourri, which could be enclosed in a mesh bag if you wanted.  Peggy also pointed out another use for the sachet could be to hold personal items when traveling;  it could be hung inside a garment in a hotel closet to be fairly unobtrusive.  Whatever the use, it was a fun way to use up some fabric remnants and be creative.  As you can see from the photos, the group has a great sense of color and design.  All that's needed to finish them off are buttons and ribbons to make the closures.

Oooooh....sparkly!  Trim for a blue silk dress

On Saturday, May 5th, a number of chapter members had traveled to New York City to meet up with members from the Maryland chapter for a shopping day in the garment district (or Fashion district, as NYC labels it).   It was an orgy of feeling fabrics, touching trims, getting ideas and dreaming of beautiful garments to be, if we only had more time/money/space!  There were wonderful bargains to be had, and some of us found exactly what we were looking for.  In Peggy's case, it was these crocheted flowers to finish embellishing a denim jacket.  In Maura's case, it was some rhinestone trim to punch up the neckline of a silk dress, made with fabric purchased on the chapter trip two years ago.  Linda found feathers and some fabulous fake snakeskin in lime green;  Ronnie bought some gorgeous orange silk, and many of us bought fur pom-poms at Pacific Trimming toys!
Fashion trim or cat toy?

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