Friday, February 8, 2013

HEART FELT SEW-IN Held February 2

The February 2nd date for our Heart Felt Sew-in turned out to be a perfect choice for our annual winter sew-in!  Based on the current weather forecast, choosing this weekend (2/9) would have made the gathering impossible.

A fantastic turnout of 27 eager sewers, reflected a representation from all of our Neighborhood Groups.  Everyone brought a snack to share, and many new acquaintances were made.  Some members worked  on their own projects, while others used this time to do some charity sewing. We had a raffle for a Craft Caddy Ott Lite, which was won by Shirley McCaffery.  

As part of our afternoon activities, we featured a "Jelly Roll Race". The “race” takes 40 2.5" jelly roll strips, sewn together into one long strip and then, folding and sewing the strips 5 times, creates a quilt top. Mary Stiegler was the race winner with a time of 1 hour 8 minutes to complete her quilt top. These tops will be finished by members of Charity Chics Neighborhood Group and donated to local community service agencies. If you would like to help in this effort, contact Mary DuBois for more info

If you need more information to complete your own Jelly Roll quilt top, check out this YouTube video

Our next planned Sew-in will be the Christmas in July on Saturday July 13th. In the mean time you can enjoy sewing with other Chapter members on the 1st and 4th Thursday from 9 am to 2:30 pm at the Fishkill Town Hall.  

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